Baby & Child Cold & Flu contains ingredients which are traditionally used in homeopathic medicine to temporarily relieve cold and flu symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, pain and fever. Cold & Flu can be used in children from 2 years of age, and may be used in children under 2 years with advice from your healthcare professional. Healthy hints Help your child keep their cold to themselves: teach them to sneeze or cough into tissues and wash their hands straight afterwards. Extra rest can help your child to fight the cold virus. It doesn?t need to be in bed: children will enjoy resting by sitting on the couch with some colouring books, reading books, favourite music or DVDs. Give your child extra drinks ? this can be lots of small sips if that?s what they prefer. Older children can suck ice blocks. Don?t worry if your child goes off their food for a couple of days, they will quickly get their appetite back when they are well and regain any weight they have lost.