Nutra Organics Collagen Body

Collagen Body is a natural and unique opportunity to create wellness from the inside out with FORTIBONE® Bioactive Collagen Peptides.~

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Collagen is often left out of the modern diet because it is not present in lean cuts of meat, but rather bones, joints, and various other connective tissue. This type of collagen is classed as type I and type III collagen. The “non-desirable” parts of an animal (where collagen is predominantly present) were traditionally consumed on a regular basis by our ancestors, particularly to make meals go further in winter and to provide nutrition that is otherwise unavailable in lean meats.

Today our Collagen Body is only the good stuff – pure type I and type III collagen protein that fully dissolves in hot or cold liquid whilst maintaining its benefits. Flavourless and odourless, Collagen Body can easily be mixed into sweet things like smoothies, chia puddings, rolled into bliss balls or even baked into banana bread. Added to savoury foods like bone broth, soups and sauces. You can even add it to hot drinks like tea and coffee.

The nitty gritty on FORTIBONE®…

What differentiates types of collagen is the way they are enzymatically hydrolysed. There are specific enzymes that break down each collagen peptide chain into different final molecular weight profiles. This results in differing remaining peptide chains within the collagen powder. The individual amino acids remain the same, but it is the length of the connected amino acid chains (peptides) and the different terminal ends of the chains that are specific to each collagen peptide product and determine its function.

~when consumed in conjunction with a healthy, varied diet.


Hydrolysed Collagen, FORTIBONE® (Bovine Source).


What is the difference between Collagen Body and Collagen Beauty?

It seems like a bit of a complex decision but no matter which you decide – the benefits are a win win WIN.

Here at Nutra Organics we firmly believe that health and beauty begin on the inside – and of course our Collagen BEAUTY may especially assist in this area as it contains specific peptides that target the deposition of collagen in hair, skin and nails as a priority over other areas in the body that also contain collagen.. These other areas include joints, bones, ligaments, cartilage and muscle tissue –  enter Collagen BODY which contains specific peptides that target the deposition of collagen in these areas.

But which will be better for my gut – Beauty or Body?

Now, to answer this question we need to get right back the very basics of collagen- which is.. what is collagen actually made of? – Collagen is made up of AMINO ACIDS.

This is important because both Collagen BODY and Collagen BEAUTY are made up of particular amino acids that provide the same building blocks that actually make up the collagen that is naturally occuring in our gut mucosa, skin, hair, and nails and of course our connective tissue like bones, joints, muscle, cartilage and ligaments.

THEREFORE  by taking more Collagen such as our Collagen BEAUTY or BODY- you are actually giving your body the amino acids it needs to make more naturally occurring collagen and therefore either way you will still reap the rewards across the board for all aforementioned areas – so yes, your GUT. However in saying that, be mindful as per question one that the biggest difference is where you would rather your collagen production be PRIORITIZED.

Can I take Collagen Beauty and Body at the same time?

The simple answer is yes. There is no issue of safety in taking both Collagen Beauty and Collagen Body at the same time. However, here at Nutra Organics we are passionate about a varied diet being the healthiest one. Due to the nature of collagen being refined protein, we do not recommend consuming it more than once daily. It is important to fulfil your daily protein needs from a variety of sources. Further, the bioavailability of the Collagen Peptides is significantly decreased in instances where there is excessive protein intake. Therefore as our collagen products are pure protein, sticking to one at a time will provide best results. If you would like to take both, we simply recommend doing so in 8 week cycles, for instance, 8 weeks of Collagen Beauty daily, followed by 8 weeks of Collagen Body daily.

What ‘types’ of collagen are in Collagen Beauty and Collagen Body?

Collagen Beauty and Collagen Body are standardised to contain type I and type III collagen. These two types of collagen are the most abundant types present in connective tissue within the human body such as in hair, skin, nails, bones, joints, muscle and ligaments.

Is Collagen Beauty and Collagen Body safe for consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Both Collagen BEAUTY and Collagen BODY are safe for consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding – this is because our collagen is literally just made up of pure protein derived from natural bovine sources. In other words, this is the same collagen you get from eating any form of meat only without any of the undesirable fat content.

Our Collagen Beauty also contains the added benefit of naturally occuring Zinc and Vitamin C from Camu Camu and Guava. These nutrients assist in the production and formation of collagen naturally in the skin. As they are naturally derived through water extraction and are only present in very small amounts this product is classified as safe for consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding. We recommend if you have any concerns taking a product containing naturally occurring Vitamin C and Zinc that you consult your primary physician.

Where does our collagen come from? Are the cows fed organic grass or grains?

If there’s one thing we are passionate about here at Nutra Organics, aside from food of course, its animals and their welfare. Therefore we have ensured that the bovine that our collagen comes from are treated under the highest animal welfare scheme possible. We do not guarantee that our bovine are fed organic grass all year around as some of them are located in Germany and due to the fact it snows there for a large portion of the year, it is impossible to ensure that they are eating grass fed 100% as their diets may need to occasionally be supplemented with wholesome non-gmo grains. However they are grass fed majority of the year.

How is Collagen Body/Beauty different to Gelatin?

The main difference between the Collagen and Gelatin Powders are as follows;

  • Collagen is an extracted component of Gelatin, therefore the amino acid profile is different.
  • Our Collagen is hydrolysed meaning that it will dissolve in hot and cold liquid unlike Gelatin that goes solid in cold.
  • Our Collagen products are fortified with specific Collagen Peptides that are trademarked peptides that make the Collagen Powders functional. ie. Collagen Beauty is fortified with Verisol Collagen peptidesthat aid in depositing Collagen in hair, skin and nails. Whereas Collagen Body is fortified with Fortibone Collagen peptides that aid in depositing Collagen in bone, ligaments, joints and muscle mass.

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