Stress Remedy Bach Flower Oral Spray includes Clematis, Impatiens and White Chestnut flower essences traditionally used to help relieve nervous tension, stress and mild anxiety. Healthy hints Share your concerns with a friend, counsellor or other trusted person who can lighten your worry load, help you see things differently and come up with some practical strategies. Move more. Being active helps clear your mind, release feel-good chemicals and removes the harmful by-products of stress from your body. Try a daily walk or any other activity you enjoy. Eat more whole grains, vegies, fruit, legumes and fish. Eat less fatty, sugary, fast foods and drink less caffeine and alcohol. Schedule at least 30 minutes of ?me? time every day to enjoy any of these relaxing activities: Relaxation or deep-breathing exercises Gardening Meditation or yoga A massage A good book Laughing An aromatherapy bath Day-dreaming in a hammock